Wednesday 25 March 2015

Will the GBP carry on his way south

Will the GBP carry on this way south?, haven't been this low since 2013, plus there is a general election coming.

It might take a while to break out of the triangle.

Trader Alessio Rastani on the BBC: Goldman Sachs Rules The World Not Gov...

Give this one some time, is going to become an all time classic. Alessio never afraid of generating some controversy

Tuesday 24 March 2015

FTSE 100 pass the 7000 level

Sure it does, 30 pips in no time at all, notice how my profit target is reach before the retrace.

Sunday 22 March 2015

FTSE 100 Rallies to Close Above 7,000 for First Time

What you do think, would the footsie stay above 7000, or will the incoming general election wreck the bull run?

Possible trade for the week ahead

Hi Traders

Welcome to my blog, I was scanning the markets for potentials trades and the footsie caught my eye since is it at it highest (back to 2007), might be worth to keep an eye on this one, the 7000 being a massive psychological level, for a consolidation pattern or a re test of the trend line in the coming days so we can buy at the break out.

Have an awesome day
