Monday 18 May 2015

Net U.S. dollar longs fall to lowest in nine months-CFTC, Reuters

May 15 (Reuters) - Speculators further pared back positive
bets on the U.S. dollar in the latest period, pushing the
currency's net long position to the lowest in nine months,
according to Reuters calculations and data from the Commodity
Futures Trading Commission released on Friday. 

The value of the dollar's net long position fell to $29.11
billion in the week ended May 12, from $32.25 billion the
previous week. Net longs on the dollar declined for a seventh
straight week. 

It was also the fifth straight week that longs on the dollar
came in below $40 billion. The dollar has been weakened by a
slew of soft U.S. economic data. 

To be long in a currency is to take a view it will rise,
while being short is a bet that its value will decline.
Net short positions on the euro, meanwhile, fell for a sixth
straight week, totaling 178,976 contracts, down from 190,127
previously. The decline in the negative bets on the euro was
helped by the dollar's woes and easing concerns about deflation
in the euro zone.

The Reuters calculation for the aggregate U.S. dollar
position is derived from net positions of international monetary
speculators in the yen JPY=, euro EUR=, British pound GBP=,
Swiss franc CHF= and Canadian CAD= and Australian dollars AUD=.

Japanese Yen (Contracts of 12,500,000 yen)
12 May 2015 Prior week
Long 37,848 41,852
Short 61,441 73,035
Net -23,593 -31,183

EURO (Contracts of 125,000 euros)
12 May 2015 Prior week
Long 43,333 50,116
Short 222,309 240,243
Net -178,976 -190,127

POUND STERLING (Contracts of 62,500 pounds sterling)
12 May 2015 Prior week
Long 37,511 34,304
Short 68,280 59,062
Net -30,769 -24,758

SWISS FRANC (Contracts of 125,000 Swiss francs)
12 May 2015 Prior week
Long 14,778 14,174
Short 4,228 8,843
Net 10,550 5,331

CANADIAN DOLLAR (Contracts of 100,000 Canadian dollars)
12 May 2015 Prior week
Long 29,133 30,028
Short 33,115 40,108
Net -3,982 -10,080

AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR (Contracts of 100,000 Aussie dollars)
12 May 2015 Prior week
Long 59,435 59,033
Short 54,948 58,407
Net 4,487 626

MEXICAN PESO (Contracts of 500,000 pesos)
12 May 2015 Prior week
Long 34,027 24,046
Short 61,066 74,162
Net -27,039 -50,116

NEW ZEALAND DOLLAR (Contracts of 100,000 New Zealand dollars)
12 May 2015 Prior week
Long 14,268 19,585
Short 12,498 10,521
Net 1,770 9,064
(Reporting by Gertrude Chavez-Dreyfuss; Editing by Diane Craft
and Alan Crosby)


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