Thursday 28 May 2015

Switzerland To Open Bitcoin Bank As Crypto "Fort Knox" Relocates To Zurich

Switzerland's financial center is likely to be rich in the near future to one facet. Currently, preparations are underway for the establishment of the first Bitcoin Bank. The reportedly from multiple sources in the financial sector. Corresponding discussions with the Financial Market Supervisory Authority are to take place in these days. To date, there is in Switzerland no bank that offers services with the new digital currency Bitcoin.

The initiators of the project confirmed the facts: "The application for a banking license, we will submit in the next few weeks," says Guido Rudolphi. The IT specialist is one of a group of eight people, which are behind the planned establishment of the financial institution. «First investors are on board, and it runs the search for suitable premises." To which company is which ultimately applied for a banking license, did Rudolphi competitive reasons forequarters not say...

From traditional institutions they first distinguished by the intended clientele. For future customers include about companies that generate income and revenues in Bitcoin and at the same time require access to the traditional banking system. These are examples Bitcoin exchanges, Bitcoin broker, pay providers and software platforms on which the new digital currencies play a role. Until now such companies - although based in Switzerland - the most costly detour via foreign banks go.


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